Saturday 23 January 2016

Healthy Breakfast Ideas!

I find it really difficult to eat healthily when a bowl of frosties is so much quicker and convenient to make. However i have come up with a few recipes that will make your breakfast so much healthier and easier.

Overnight Oats

I've started making overnight oats as they are so easy and are really convenient for a morning when you may have less time. Just add a normal amount of oats to your bowl (the same amount as porridge) and add some milk to it. Then add your fillings, i like fruit and honey as it gives it a really sweet flavour. Then leave it overnight in the fridge, and the oats will absorb the milk.

Avocado on Toast

It looks so gross on this photo, but actually tastes really good and is nice and filling! Add half an avocado to a piece of wholemeal toast and spread it evenly. Then i like to add some chia seeds and black pepper on top. The seeds help to keep you full, and the black pepper adds a nice kick of flavour.


The perfect way to use up any fruit you have, plus i love to add spinach as it is so good for you but cannot be tasted at all. Some other great ingredients are natural yoghurt, avocado, kale and chia seeds as they really fill you up and have a lot of protein!

What do you think of my ideas? And what is your go-to healthy breakfast?

Thanks for reading Xx

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  1. That smoothie looks so nice! Might give it a go!
    Love your blog, now following on GFC and bloglovin!

    Abbey xo

    1. Thank you, smoothies are so easy and can be made the night before if you don't have much time in a morning :) xx

  2. I'm yet to try overnight oats but I really should as I can be way too lazy with breakfast! On the other hand, I've just noticed another post about cookie dough on the sidebar of your blog.. maybe I could make myself THAT for breakfast! xxx
    Lucy @ La Lingua | Travel, Food, Italy

    1. Yes they are perfect if you're lazy with breakfast - that's why I love it haha!
      But I would definitely recommend making the cookie dough, and why not eat it for breakfast! ;) xx

  3. I love overnight oats! They're such a good way of keeping me away from the Coco Pops!

    Grace | eat, write + explore x

  4. Yay for smoothies! They are ALWAYS my go to. I sip away all morning at work!


    1. Such a good idea to sip them at work as they are a good constant energy burst! Xx

  5. I literally see so many recipes with avocado in and have never tried it for myself. I just can't imagine what it taste like.


    1. To be honest it doesn't have much of a taste - that's why I add the black pepper haha! Xx

  6. I'm obsessed with overnight oats at the mo! I also love avocado on toast with an egg on top. My other favourite is toast with peanut butter, chopped banana, honey and flaxseed xx

    Ramblings of a Beauty Bird | Beauty Blog

    1. Ooh the peanut butter toast sounds amazing - definitely giving it a go! Xx

  7. First looks so delicious! I will try it out! PS: Would you like to follow each other? Let me know on my blog! x.

    The Fashion Spell

  8. These are the kinds of breakfasts I really like.
    I like to add tomato and egg to the avocado on toast though!


  9. Love this post idea and the pics are gorgeous!!
    -Morgan x

  10. I didn't have breakfast this morning so I should not have read this as my stomach is now rumbling so loudly!! That avocado on toast looks lovely, I forget how easy this is to make *adds avocado to shopping list*. x

    Charlotte | Just Charlotte

    1. Aww no, haha sorry about that! Yes it's so easy to make :) xx


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